Friday, July 24, 2009


This is a 2 month long overdue post, but I still want to show off cos I feel loved! Gonna backdate it cos I'm OCD and want to be able to find the post in future.

The weekend before, Janice got me roses! I thought they were my present, but she got them 'just because...' That's what it means by loving extravagantly.

Handmade card from the CG, made by Jie. She should really start selling these cards. I would buy them! Notice the yellow duck? She put it there just for me.

From PS, care package to build spirit (devotionals), brain (sudoku) and body (cooking condiments). Topped of with a card full of memories. Yes, we did get through all those bottles of wine with the Melbourne clan.
Janice & CY are definitely onto me about the good food thing. And fueling my obsession to boot!
Funky tshirt from Jack & Cheryl! See it here where Jie & I wear it for Pastor's birthday celebration.
Joyce was a treasure too and made me a tshirt. Don't have pictures of it, but I'll snap a pic when I next wear it and upload so that you can check it out. Ooh and then last but not least, Jie & Shan got me 'Tipping Point' by Malcolm Gladwell. Which I need to finish reading. Like soon.

I am a happy camper.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

New year, new blog

No I haven't changed the calendar around on a whim like the Roman emperors of old. But today does mark the start of my 30th year of life. So I've been thinking of blogging again and today feels like a good day to start. This will be a place where I can record events, my thoughts and the food I've eaten or made. Anyway, this will be a work in progress till I get this page to look how I like it.

Yay... Happy Birthday to me... I love God, love others and love life!